With a license for 70,000 SCUs, the feedlot operation alone is a proud employer of over 110 team members. The scale and sophistication of Grassdale Feedlot has been further leveraged to include connected complementary operations around cotton seed oil production and manure-based fertiliser manufacturing.
Grassdale Feedlot is Australia’s largest feedlot, where scale and innovation combine to create a world leading facility.
Team Members
70,000 Standard Cattle Units (SCU)
Grassdale inducts and exits 3800-4500 head (hd) of cattle per week. The feedlot manufactures and delivers around 1,000 tonnes of feed ration per day across a full range of market segments from short-fed programs through to long-fed Wagyu cattle destined for Mort & Co’s premium Wagyu beef brands.
In the order of 100,000 tonne of manure is cleaned from 377 cattle pens over the average year. Pen capacity ranges from 90-365hd. Pens include access to clean drinking water, ample space for cattle, cable supported shade structures, efficient drainage and slip formed feed bunks allowing appropriate spacing for cattle.
Given the size of the operation, significant infrastructure exists on the property to assist with its function. Grassdale has a gas fired electricity plant onsite that is used to run major feedlot infrastructure including the feedmill, workshop and pump stations. Excess power not required by site is exported from this facility back into the grid.
To allow the feedlot to manage grain supply more efficiently, two 17,000 tonne pads are utilised to house feed requirements. In addition, the site has a storage capacity of 60,000 tonnes for corn and cereal silage that are grown both at Grassdale Farm and other local properties.

Health and Performance
Each day, the health and performance of cattle in every pen is assessed by Mort & Co team members. Cattle requiring additional treatment are taken from the pen for attention, with vets on call 24/7.

Expert nutritionists carefully devise a balanced diet for cattle to ensure both their nutritional requirements and performance targets are met. Mort & Co rations incorporate quality fibre, energy, minerals, protein and vitamins.

Tailored Approach
As all livestock are grass fed before entering Mort & Co feedlots, a phased approach is adopted when introducing cattle to the grain-based feeding regime.